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来源:http://www.guanhougan.cc作者:观后感时间:2023-06-06 08:58阅读:


Every Spring Festival, people most look forward to is the annual essential Spring Festival file, this year's Spring Festival file is full of blockbuster works, but today is not about"Chinese Table tennis", nor "the Wandering Earth",but a seemingly ordinary, but touching, healing animation film "Deep Sea".






"I feel like I'm a little bit extra." We all have that feeling sometimes, of being ignored by the people around us, and then laughing at ourselves for being so ordinary that it's normal to be ignored. It's not even the mood, it's the fact that you've suddenly discovered it, and it's scary like a knife. And the little girl Cansu was eating knives for a living.The fact that her mother left Cansu is like a nightmare, and it is like a nightmare that will haunt you forever. Nanha, like a sharp scissors, had saved Cansu, who has never been cared for or loved since her childhood, is brighter than the sun of the deep sea. He  said, "Hold on, the day is coming soon."





”The creation of the image of Nanha reflects the gap between the ideal of rain in reality and the height of the value of life. Everyone can choose to live for himself. In the face of contradictions, there is nothing to ask how to do, but just like a clown, what the heart wants also has the appearance of light. Despite his greed for money, but in front of the depressed girl, he chose to fulfill.

面对参宿,即便南河一遍遍喊着晦气,但却始终为这个丧气女孩带来光亮,他会一遍遍教女孩微笑,在漂泊的海上,她看见了船的白光,听见了小丑一遍遍喊着她的名字,那抹红色的微笑,是南河带着他最后的希望留下的,故事的最后,参宿醒了,带着梦境的温暖和南河的希望穿透了梦魇的黑暗。而我们,梦醒了,该散场了。属于参宿和南河的故事结束了。但现实中的抑郁患者找到了他们的南诃了吗? 观后感 http://www.guanhougan.cc/ghg600z/26039.html